


I got my Photography results back today!!!!! The fair doesn’t start until a week from Friday, but the Arts were judged this morning. I had to work, so I didn’t get to go to the judging, but that’s ok! Purple is the best, blue is second and red is third.


This one got a PURPLE ribbon!!!!

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This one got a BLUE ribbon!!!(in b/w)


This one got a PURPLE ribbon!!!( I had it in b/w)


This one got a PURPLE ribbon!


Trip to IL/ Farm Update



Gabe and Aubrey went to Grandma’s/Herrmann's for a week, while we slaved away at home. jk…but we did miss their extra help!


We left for IL last Friday and on Saturday spent the morning at Streitmatter’s Pond. What a blast!!!!!


Swinging off the Rope was …..FANTASTIC!


Fishing with the Fisherman Pro! We had the bass last night and it tasted great! Thanks Grandpa!


Aubrey, Hope, Elise and Ivory…after spending the week together, you’d think that they’d be tired of each other, but no, not them!

Saturday afternoon, we all loaded up and left for Morton for the Kieser Reunion. What fun! Mom had a great time seeing all her cousins! (plus, we finally met up with the Bluniers:)


‘ AC potlucks never changes.’ (so true!)


Cousin time!


Im not sure what this game is called, but it was a lot of fun!


The Three Musketters 014

It seems that these three have stolen the name, ‘THREE MUSKETEERS’ from Faith Grace and I but oh well.  That’s a photo from earlier in the week.

We have a fun-filled weekend coming up, as my cousin(on the other side) is getting baptized, Dave and Kara are stopping here on their way to Colorado, and the 4th of july is getting ready to BLAST off!!!! I’ve already got my bag full of fireworks sitting in the garage and I can’t wait to light em off!

HAPPY INDEPENCE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!